Capstone - Retrieving, Processing and Visuallizing Data with Python

This website showcases the project I produced for the Honors Track Assignment of the final Course 'Capstone - Retrieving, Processing and Visuallizing Data with Python' from 'Python for Everybody' Specialization by the 'University of Michigan' on Coursera.

View the Project on GitHub jzstats/chatgpt-numbers-and-the-meaning-of-life

ChatGPT, Numbers and the Meaning of Life!

What is the ‘favorite’ number of ChatGPT?

This question is in the core of this project.



I was wondering what biases may be revealed by an exploration of the most frequently occuring numbers from ChatGPT agent, and indeed there are some strong ones in favor of certain numbers.

It is fine to jump directly to the Results or even (better!) to Nerd Mythology and Fun if you are not interested in the technical details.

And may you find the result quite amusing too!

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10000 responses were collected from the ChatGPT’s API. In each iteration the agent was requested to ‘give a number’ and the raw response was collected and stored in a database.

The raw data was then processed in order to extract the numbers and the values got stored in another database.

Finally the results were summarized and visualized.

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The process is as modularized in four parts:

Retrieving the Raw Data

The program communicates with ChatGPT through the available API, and at each iteration it gives the agent the same prompt:

give a number

Each raw response gets stored as-is in an SQL Lite DB (called ‘rawdb.sqlite’).

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Processing the Raw Data

The raw responses (that were gathered in the previous phase), needed to be processed as the agent returned them in various non-standard formats.

The cleaning phase is not fully robust, as the process is sensitive the data collected and may fail when new data gets collected.

It is possible that there will be need to manually inspect the data in order to identify and handle some unexpected cases that were not encountered in this project.

At the start of the data processing pipeline it deletes the ‘numbersdb.sqlite’ DB iterates through each obseresation to clean it before the numbers can be extracted.

At the end, after data validation, it creates a new fresh ‘numbersdb.sqlite’ DB, from all the available data in ‘rawdb.sqlite’ DB.

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Most of the numbers were in a good format, meaning that they contained just a positive integer number.

Sometimes big integer numbers had a comma in the thousands, which needed to get eliminated.

In many cases the number was followed by a single dot, which needed to be ommitted.

Also very frequently the numbers were accompanied by some text from which they needed to got extracted.

In one case the number 12 was return as text, ‘twelve’, which got converted to the number 12.

One response contained 3 numbers, from which only the first got counted as valid and ectracted.

Only one floating point number occured, pi which was given in variations of decimal digits. It was decided to round it to 2 so that all cases will correctly count as 3.14.

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Summarizing the Results

The results were summarized in order to identify the frequency of the numbers that occurred more often as well as their aggregated frequency.

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Visuallizing the Results

The script ‘’ was used to visuallize the results, which takes into acount the occurances of each number and produces the normalized sizes of the numbers that got stored in the file ‘wordcloud.js’.

Then the numbers get plotted in wordcloud, powered by the JavaScript library d3.js, using the script ‘wordcloud.htm’, that can be opened in the browser to visually examine the top 50 most frequently occuring numbers.

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The most frequently occuring, the top 5 and the top 50 numbers are presented along with their frequency from a sample of 10000 observations.

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ChatGPT’s Favorite Number

ChatGPT’s favorite number is.. 42!! It was returned of 21.69% times out of the 10000 requests.

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Top 5 most frequently occuring numbers

The five most frequently occuring numbers, aggregated, constitute 52.48% of the sample with 10000 observations.


  1. The number 42 occured 21.69% of times.
  2. The number 7 occured 13.91% of times.
  3. The number 17 occured 6.15% of times.
  4. The number 27 occured 5.45% of times.
  5. The number 13 occured 5.28% of times.

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Top 50 most frequently occuring numbers

The following numbers are the 50 most frequently occuring:

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
32, 33, 34, 37,
42, 43, 47,
53, 54, 56, 57,
63, 64, 67, 69,
72, 73, 74, 76, 77,
83, 84, 87

Aggregated they occurred 91.46% of times out of the 10000 observations.

The following figure displays them with size proportianal to the relative frequency of each number.


Finally the following table displays the relative frequency of each number.

Rank Number Frequency (%)
1 42 21.69
2 7 13.91
3 17 6.15
4 27 5.45
5 13 5.28
6 37 3.37
7 23 2.94
8 8 2.48
9 9 2.44
10 47 2.07
11 5 1.62
12 14 1.49
13 73 1.44
14 10 1.31
15 57 1.29
16 12 1.27
17 25 1.09
18 15 1.09
19 21 0.87
20 6 0.83
21 77 0.73
22 24 0.73
23 3.14 0.72
24 87 0.69
25 16 0.63
26 4 0.63
27 22 0.62
28 11 0.59
29 67 0.53
30 18 0.48
31 26 0.48
32 64 0.47
33 33 0.45
34 32 0.44
35 63 0.43
36 56 0.43
37 72 0.43
38 83 0.36
39 43 0.35
40 54 0.34
41 28 0.33
42 19 0.31
43 20 0.30
44 76 0.29
45 84 0.29
46 53 0.28
47 34 0.28
48 74 0.26
49 69 0.26
50 3 0.25

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Nerd Mythology and Fun!

..42!! Really 42..

Although there is no doupt that the agent is of narrow intelligence, giving back this number is quite funny if one takes into account the classic novel ‘HitchHikers’s Guide to the Galaxy’ according to which..


.. 42 is The Meaning of Life!

Isn’t the irony quite apparent!

Having a bot that is one step behind passing the ‘Turing Test’ giving this iconic number back in such frequency makes the imagination tick. Does the bot hides something?? Is it some code for his fellow bots or a message for humanity? For sure a decent ‘Black Mirror’ episode could be made out of this!

A Thank You to Vaggos!

My friend Vaggelis who knew and brought to my aweraness the story around 42.

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